While mobile users can only see their tracks, other users who are not administrators—such as supervisors and field crew chiefs—need to view the tracks of others. A track view contains the last known locations and tracks of a set of mobile users. Anyone with the privilege to view location tracks and access to a track view can view the tracks of the specified mobile users.
Once track viewers have access to tracks, they can view them in the Track Viewer web app or another map or app. Track Viewer provides an overview of the last known locations and the tracks of mobile users and allows the track viewer to do simple filtering and analysis. If that is what you use your tracks for, continue reading this topic and learn about viewing tracks in Track Viewer.
If you need a more complete picture of the locations of your mobile users and where they've been in relation to other assets and information important to you, add the hosted feature layer view of the tracks to your own map or app. You can also use the tracks to do advanced analysis in ArcGIS. To use the tracks layer in your own maps and apps, see Use tracks.
View tracks in Track Viewer
The Track Viewer web app allows track viewers to filter and examine the tracks they can access. Open and use track views to see both the last known location and the tracks of mobile users included in the track view. Choose time span, specific mobile users, or even the GPS accuracy of the track, among other filters, to understand the patterns of mobile users.
- In a browser, sign in to your organization and open
Track Viewer.
By default, Track Viewer is in the app launcher if it's installed and you have the appropriate permissions to use it. If you don't see it, contact your administrator. Installation is often done as part of enabling location tracking.
- Click a track view in the list of available track views to open it.
You see a list of all the mobile users included in the view and a map showing their last known locations and tracks.
- Optionally, in the track view, use filters to see specific tracks, such as those for a particular user or during a particular time span. Click a user on the map to see information about their last known location during the time span you are viewing, and click on a track to see information about that particular point along the track.
Track Viewer quick reference
When you're working with a track view, you can see the mobile users it contains and their last known locations and tracks. You can examine the map and filter the information it contains using the UI items described below.

- Track Viewer—Return to the list of available track views.
- Filters—Limit the track information shown on the map. Each filter uses the panel (see 3) to allow you to define mobile users, values, or ranges.
- Users
—The mobile users included in the track view. Select one or more to highlight them on the map, including both their last known location and their tracks. The tracks of other mobile users in the view are visible in gray.
- Time span
—The period of time to display the last known locations and tracks. By default, it is set to the last 8 hours. You can choose from predefined time spans, such as the last 4, 24, or 48 hours, or you can set a custom time span by providing start and end dates and times. Track points outside the specified time span don't appear on the map.
- Accuracy
—The required GPS accuracy each track point must meet to be included in the tracks. Track points outside the required accuracy don't appear on the map, so requiring a lower accuracy value results in more precise track lines. The units are determined by the setting in your profile.
- Speed
—The range of speeds each track point must fall within to be highlighted in the tracks. Track points outside the range appear on the map but aren't highlighted. The units are determined by the setting in your profile.
- Activity
—The type of activity the mobile user must have been doing at a track point for it to be highlighted in the tracks. If multiple activity types are selected, points that match any selected type are highlighted. Track points with other activity types appear on the map but aren't highlighted.
If you're using both speed and activity filters, the highlighted tracks reflect those that meet both requirements.
- Users
- Panel—Configure the filters for your map. Here, the Users list is shown.
- Profile—The signed in user and the option to sign out.
- Active filters—Details of the current filters display at the top of the map. Here it is filtered to show tracks from the last eight hours and with four mobile users highlighted. Click the X next to a filter to clear it.
- Map—The last known location and track of each mobile user displays on the map. You can pan and zoom around the map to explore the last known locations and tracks.
- Basemap—Change the basemap.
- Last known location—Each mobile user's last known location displays on the map with their profile picture if one is provided. Otherwise, their initials mark their last known location. Click the last known location to see details about it, including the time stamp, the device's battery level, the speed and activity type, the direction they were heading, and the GPS accuracy of that track point. You can access the previous track point for that mobile user by clicking Previous at the bottom of the details.
- Tracks—The gray and highlighted lines on the map are the tracks of mobile users. Click a track to see details about that point along the track, including the mobile user to whom it belongs, the time stamp, the device's battery level, the speed and activity type, the direction they were heading, and the GPS accuracy of that track point. You can access previous and next track points for that mobile user by clicking Previous and Next at the bottom of the details.
To view details of a track, zoom in until you see track points display when you hover over the track. If you are zoomed out too far, clicking the track won't show details.
- Smart rendering—Control the quality of the tracks you see. Smart rendering restricts your track lines to high-quality track points, including track points that meet at least one of the following:
- The horizontal accuracy of the point is less than 10 meters.
- The horizontal accuracy of the point is between 10 and 25 meters, and either the speed is greater than 0 meters per second or the course is greater than 0 degrees.
- The speed is greater than 0 meters per second and the course is greater than 0 degrees.
Disable smart rendering if you want all track points included in the track lines.